api (4)

Building a GraphQL service

Let's build a GraphQL Spring Application that will accept GraphQL requests at http://localhost:8080/graphql. First let's navigate to https://start.spring.io. This service pulls in all the dependencies you need for an application and does most of the setup for you. GraphQL is a query language to retrieve…

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The Concept of API Contracts

What is it about? We define an API contract as a formal agreement between a software provider and a consumer that abstractly communicates how to interact with each other. This contract defines how API providers and consumers interact, what data exchanges looks like, and how…

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Handling Exceptions in Web UI

The Issue There is nothing worse than presenting a Java Stacktrace in a WebUI, full of technical Details about your Server environment of the Web App itself: So how can we avoid this? You don't want to share this informations with the users, it would…

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Visualisiere deine Strava Aktivitäten mit Grafana

Was ist Strava Strava ist das soziale Netzwerk für Sportler. Du kannst deine Sport Aktivitäten aufzeichnen und diese wird deinem Strava-Feed hinzugefügt - zusammen mit jenen, die deine Freunde und Followers mit dir teilen. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr eure Wettkampf- und Trainingsaktivitäten gegenseitig verfolgen,…

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