sql (4)

Getting stared with the Spring Framework

What is the Spring Framework Spring is the world's most popular Java framework and makes programming Java quicker, easier, and safer for everybody. Spring’s focus on speed, simplicity, and productivity. You can select and generate your Spring Package online: https://start.spring.io/ Lets make a Gradle Project,…

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Java and databases use SQL joins

Introduction Let's imagine we have two Tables now, people and addresses. We want to find out how many people live at the same address. This is our current Java and SQL approach: repository/PeopleRepository.java @Override @SQL(value = FIND_BY_ID_SQL, operationType = CrudOperation.FIND_BY_ID) @SQL(value = FIND_ALL_SQL, operationType =…

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Java working with databases

Introduction In this Post I will describe how you can easily learn, test and play around with Java interacting with SQL Databases. This post is a summary of my Java learning course I'm taking on udemy. The post is not intended to be spread around…

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Java und DBs

Java kommt von Haus aus mit einer relationalen Open-Source-Datenbank, der Apache-Derby-Datenbank, welche in reinem Java geschrieben ist und sich dadurch nicht nur als eigener Prozess betreiben lässt, sondern auch als Embeded Bestandteil einer Java Anwendung betrieben werden kann. Das ist jedoch für den produktiven Betrieb…

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