backup (3)

Backup OPNsense to Nextcloud

What is OPNsense? OPNsense® is an open source, easy-to-use and easy-to-build FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform. OPNsense includes most of the features available in expensive commercial firewalls, and more in many cases. It brings the rich feature set of commercial offerings with the benefits…

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Threema Safe backup to Nextcloud

Did you know that Threema allows you, to backup your Threema app to a custom Threema Safe server? You can for example use your Nextcloud to keep your Threema backups safe. I recommend to create a new Nextcloud user account only for the purpose of…

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Vaultwarden Backup mit Rclone

Vaultwarden ist eine alternative Implementation der Bitwarden Server API entwickelt in Rust, kompatibel mit allen Bitwarden clients. Vaultwarden eignet sich daher perfekt für self-hosted deployments, oder überall dort wo der offizielle Bitwarden Service nicht ideal geeignet ist. Dazu gibt es einmal das Vaultwarden Docker Image…

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